Empowering Young Minds to Explore, Learn, and Grow.

Why Choose a Wild Rose Montessori Education for Your Child?

Child-Centered Learning

Montessori education celebrates the individuality of each child, focusing on their strengths and interests to tailor a learning experience that engages and excites.

Prepared Environment

Our classrooms are designed to foster independence and curiosity, equipped with Montessori materials that encourage hands-on learning and discovery.

Community and Collaboration

Children learn to respect their peers and their environment, working together and building a sense of community within the classroom.

Hands-On Discovery: The Heart of Learning at Wild Rose Montessori

At Wild Rose Montessori Preschool, our classrooms are alive with opportunities for tactile and sensory exploration. We believe that children learn best through doing, which is why our learning materials are specially designed to invite touch, movement, and engagement. From beautifully crafted wooden puzzles that fine-tune motor skills to practical life materials that teach everyday skills, each piece serves a purpose in fostering independence, concentration, and joy in discovery. These materials are not just tools for learning; they are stepping stones to building a foundation of knowledge that children carry with them long after they leave our doors.

Empowering Children to Lead Their Learning Journey

The Montessori Method at Wild Rose Montessori Preschool is a reflection of our deep respect for children as unique individuals. Founded on principles of freedom within limits, our environment is carefully prepared to nurture the natural curiosity and developmental needs of each child. Our AMI-certified educators act as guides, observing and introducing new materials and concepts when a child is ready. This individualized approach ensures that learning is always engaging, meaningful, and tailored to each child's pace and interests. It's not just about academic achievement; it's about developing a lifelong love of learning and a deep sense of respect for the world around us.

A Community of Learners Growing Together

At the heart of Wild Rose Montessori Preschool is our belief in the power of mixed-age classrooms. By bringing together children ages 2 and a half to 6, we create a dynamic learning community where younger children benefit from the examples of older peers, and older children solidify their knowledge by mentoring the younger ones. This natural grouping fosters empathy, leadership, and social skills, preparing children not just for the academic challenges ahead but for life. In our mixed-age classrooms, every day is an opportunity for children to discover their own strengths, learn from each other, and develop a sense of belonging and responsibility to their community.

"Every child holds a spark of potential. At Wild Rose Montessori, we nurture this spark into a passion for learning, guiding them towards a future of curiosity, growth, and leadership."

— Lucy Cruz, Director of Wild Rose Montessori Preschool

“The unknown energy that can help humanity is that which lies hidden in the child.”

~ Maria Montessori


Feel free to contact us with any questions.


(916) 587-ROSE(7673)